jeetal shah

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Lekhny Story -26-Mar-2024

Reva, Vihaan, and Trupti had been inseparable since childhood. They shared a bond that seemed unbreakable, navigating through the ups and downs of life together. Little did Vihaan and Trupti know that beneath Reva's cheerful facade lurked a heart filled with unrequited love.

Vihaan had always been the charming one, drawing Trupti's affection effortlessly. Their love blossomed quietly, unbeknownst to Reva, who stood by as their confidante and supporter. But as fate would have it, Reva's feelings for Vihaan ran deeper than friendship. She watched helplessly as her two closest friends fell deeper in love with each passing day.

The realization of her unreciprocated love shattered Reva's heart into a million pieces. She grappled with her emotions, torn between the happiness of her friends and the ache of her own longing. Unable to bear the pain of witnessing their love, Reva withdrew into herself, putting up walls to shield her heart from further agony.

Vihaan and Trupti couldn't understand the sudden change in Reva's behavior. Her once vibrant presence now seemed distant and cold. They tried to reach out, but their efforts were met with silence and avoidance. Confusion turned to concern as they wondered what could have caused such a rift in their friendship.

It wasn't until a chance encounter and a series of heartfelt conversations that the truth finally came to light. Reva confessed her feelings, laying bare her heart for Vihaan to see. Shocked and overwhelmed, Vihaan struggled to comprehend the depth of Reva's emotions. He gently explained to her that what she mistook for love might be nothing more than infatuation, fueled by proximity and familiarity.

As the truth sank in, Reva felt a fresh wave of pain wash over her. The realization that her love might never be returned was a bitter pill to swallow. She had built castles in the air, only to watch them crumble before her eyes. But with time, acceptance seeped in, bringing with it a glimmer of hope for healing.

Though their friendship bore the scars of unrequited love, it endured. Vihaan and Trupti stood by Reva's side, offering their unwavering support and understanding. Together, they navigated the complexities of love and friendship, emerging stronger and wiser than before.

And as life carried on, Reva learned to cherish the beauty of what she had, rather than mourning what she couldn't. Though her heart bore the scars of a love left unfulfilled, it also held the memories of a friendship that was unbreakable, even in the face of heartache.


Mohammed urooj khan

15-Apr-2024 12:20 PM




27-Mar-2024 10:07 PM



Punam verma

27-Mar-2024 08:31 AM

Very niceπŸ‘
